■学術情報センター図書館購読中止洋雑誌>2002年度 (平成14年度)

購読中止洋雑誌 2002年度 (平成14年度)

1 Analytical Biochemistry
2 Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
3 Calcified Tissue International
4 CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association Journal
5 DNA and Cell Biology
6 Experimental Brain Research
7 Experimental Eye Research
8 Food and Chemical Toxicology
9 IUBMB Life
10 Journal of Asthma
11 Journal of Cellular Physiology
12 Journal of Electron Microscopy
13 Journal of Membrane Biology
14 Journal of Microscopy
15 Molecular Genetics and Genomics : MGG
16 Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology
17 Psychopharmacology
18 QJM : Monthly Journal of the Association of Physicians
19 Reproduction
20 Respiration Physiology
21 Teratology
22 Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
23 Transfusion
24 Trends in Immunology
25 Virology
26 World Health Organization Technical Report Series

■学術情報センター図書館購読中止洋雑誌>2002年度 (平成14年度)