順位 |
タイトル |
著者名 |
著者所属 |
巻 |
号 |
ページ |
発行年 |
回数 |
1 |
Laparoscopic Surgery for the Transverse Colon Carcinoma Associated with Non-rotation Type Intestinal Malrotation (Case Report) |
榎本浩也, 河原秀次郎, 共田光裕, 渡邉一裕, 秋葉直志, 矢永勝彦 |
外科学講座 |
61 |
4 |
87-92 |
2014-12-10 |
73 |
2 |
Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 in Obesity-induced Cancers
(Review) |
木澤隆介 |
医学部医学科4年 |
66 |
1-4 |
1-8 |
2019-12-10 |
67 |
3 |
Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on Myocardial Perfusion in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Using Distal Protection Devices (Original) |
森力, 本郷賢一, 佐藤伸孝, 堤穣志, 芝田貴裕, 吉村道博 |
内科学講座循環器内科 |
62 |
1 |
21-32 |
2015-03-10 |
64 |
4 |
A Crosssectional Survey on Smoking Cessation Counseling for Primary Care
(Original) |
永田拓也, 松島雅人, 富永智一, 渡邉隆将, 藤沼康樹 |
扇橋診療所 |
64 |
3 |
23-30 |
2017-09-10 |
59 |
5 |
Metastasis of Colon Cancer to Axillary Lymph Nodes (Case Report) |
鈴木俊雅, 河原秀次郎, 林武徳, 良元和久, 小林進, 柏木秀幸, 矢永勝彦, 山口裕 |
外科学講座 |
53 |
4 |
167-170 |
2006-12-10 |
58 |
6 |
Two Case Reports of Liver Cirrhosis Complicated by Serious Hemolytic Streptococcal Infection (Case Report) |
松平浩, 松浦知和, 伊藤周二, 上竹慎一郎, 佐々木知也, 山本裕康, 中島尚登, 田尻久雄 |
厚木市立病院内科 |
62 |
1 |
33-39 |
2015-03-10 |
50 |
7 |
Clarification of Self-Motivated Learning Behaviors among Undergraduate
Nursing Students in Japan (Original) |
久保善子, 梶井文子高橋衣, 佐竹澄子, 石川純子, 望月留加, 嶋澤順子, 北素子 |
医学部看護学科地域看護学 |
66 |
1-4 |
17-29 |
2019-12-10 |
43 |
8 |
Effects of Long-term Bezafibrate Treatment on Body Fat Accumulation and
Tissue Triglyceride Content in Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty Rats:
Its Relation to the Expression of Uncoupling Protein 3mRNA (Original) |
森豊, 小宮秀明, 黒川修行, 早川浩一, 徳武巧記, 赤羽敏, 田嶼尚子 |
東宇都宮病院内科 |
50 |
2 |
75-83 |
2003-06-10 |
31 |
8 |
Sirolimus- versus Everolimus- and Biolumus-eluting Stents after Long Stenting
: A Propensity-Score-Matched Comparison of Angiographic Follow-up Outcomes
(Original) |
冨永光敏, 石川哲也, 武藤誠, 阪本宏志, 久保田健之, 小川崇之, 森力, 橋本浩一, 鈴木健一朗, 小武海公明, 吉村道博 |
内科学講座循環器内科 |
64 |
1 |
1-9 |
2017-03-10 |
31 |
8 |
Overcoming ABO blood type incompatibility in living donor liver transplantation (Original) |
後町武志, 古川賢英, 羽村凌雅, 堀内尭, 白井祥睦, 塩崎弘憲, 安田淳吾, 恩田真二, 池上徹 |
外科学講座 |
67 |
1-4 |
7-11 |
2020-12-10 |
31 |
11 |
Elemental Diet as Preparation for Colonoscopy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Original) |
荒井吉則, 加藤智弘, 有廣誠二, 井出大資, 岩崎哲良, 板垣宗徳, 菰池信彦, 中尾裕, 高倉一樹, 猿田雅之, 松岡美佳, 田尻久雄 |
内科学講座消化器・肝臓内科 |
61 |
1 |
9-15 |
2014-03-10 |
29 |
12 |
Ratio of Prorenin to Plasma Renin Activity as a Surrogate Marker for Local
Renin Angiotensin Activity of the Kidneys in Renal Disease (Original) |
栗山哲, 山岸弘子, 大塚泰史, 飯田里菜子, 小林政司, 細谷龍男 |
済生会中央病院腎臓内科 |
51 |
4 |
105-111 |
2004-12-10 |
28 |
13 |
The effect of circular modified Blumgart anastomosis for pancreaticoduodenectomy (Original) |
後町武志, 柴浩明, 塩崎弘憲, 羽村凌雅, 堀内尭, 白井祥睦, 安田淳吾, 古川賢英, 恩田真二, 池上徹 |
外科学講座 |
67 |
1-4 |
13-18 |
2020-12-10 |
27 |
14 |
The Effect of a Proton-pump Inhibitor on Nonerosive Ggastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Report of a Case (Case Report) |
矢野文章, 小村伸朗, 坪井一人, 星野真人, 山本世怜, 矢永勝彦 |
外科学講座 |
60 |
3 |
43-45 |
2013-09-10 |
26 |
15 |
A Case of Upside-down Stomach Successfully Treated with Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic Surgery (Case Report) |
坪井一人, 小村伸朗, 矢野文章, 星野真人, 柏木秀幸, 矢永勝彦 |
外科学講座 |
60 |
1-2 |
1-4 |
2013-06-10 |
25 |
15 |
Transversus abdominis muscle release without mesh for incisional hernia in a patient with advanced pancreatic cancer (Case Report) |
黒河内喬範, 五十嵐陽介, 田口恵理子, 鈴木英之, 中林幸夫, 松田実 |
春日部中央総合病院外科 |
68 |
1 |
9-14 |
2021-03-10 |
25 |
15 |
Development of the Adapted Physician Centrality Scale: a cross-sectional study in Japan (Original) |
堀口涼子, 務?理惠子, 五味美春, 杉山佳史, 岩田啓芳, 佐竹澄子, 里井義尚, 岩渕敬介, 林大地, 中野匡, 松島雅人 |
総合医科学研究センター臨床疫学研究部 |
68 |
4 |
91-100 |
2021-12-10 |
25 |
18 |
Self-interruption of Helicobacter pylori Eradication Therapy and Its Associated Risk Factors (Original) |
市川欧子, 杉山佳史, 務?理惠子, 山田俊夫, 若林秀隆, 中野優子, 吉田秀平, 林哲朗, 村山慎一, 松島雅人 |
東京臨海病院消化器内科 |
68 |
2 |
33-43 |
2021-06-10 |
24 |
18 |
CT of Clinically Amyopathic Dermatomyositis Complicated with Rapidly Progressive Interstitial Lung Disease: Early Findings and Serial Changes (Original) |
福田大記, 酒井文和, 三角茂樹, 浮地太郎 |
放射線医学講座 |
68 |
2 |
45-53 |
2021-06-10 |
24 |
20 |
The Present Status and Problems of Clinical Trials at The Jikei University Hospital: A Report by Clinical Research Coordinators (Review) |
松木祥子, 川田温子, 松本直美, 渡邊律, 市薗恵美, 田辺節子, 大石奈津子, 川久保孝, 広瀬俊昭, 戸川道子, 花井博, 澤村正, 景山茂 |
治験センター |
50 |
1 |
1-7 |
2003-03-10 |
23 |
20 |
Periodic Limb Movement Disorder Caused by a Pontine Infarction (Case Reports) |
浅原有揮, 山寺亘, 筒井健介, 大本周作, 飯田誠, 伊藤洋 |
研修医 |
62 |
2 |
53-57 |
2015-06-10 |
23 |
20 |
Evaluation of the Diabetes Chronic-Care System in Japanese Clinics (Original) |
渡邉隆将, 松島雅人, 永田拓也, 富永智一, 横山宏樹, 藤沼康樹 |
臨床疫学研究所 |
63 |
3 |
63-70 |
2016-09-10 |
23 |
20 |
A Scoring System to Predict Positive Follow-up Blood Culture in Acute Cholangitis (Original) |
恒松雅, 春木孝一郎, 白井祥睦, 安田淳吾, 古川賢英, 恩田真二, 坂本太郎, 後町武志, 池上徹 |
外科学講座 |
68 |
3 |
81-88 |
2021-09-10 |
23 |
24 |
The Preservation of Health Amongst the Personnel of the Japanese Navy and
Army (Special article) *reprinted from The Lancet, 1906 |
高木兼寛 |
49 |
2 |
69-83 |
2002-06-10 |
22 |
24 |
Cardioprotective Effect of Ischemic Preconditioning on Ischemia/Reperfusion
Injury in Spontaneously Type 2 Diabetic Rat Heart (Original) |
森力, 小川和彦, 高塚久志, 安澤龍宏, 谷口郁夫, 清水光行 |
内科学講座循環器内科 |
53 |
2 |
69-79 |
2006-06-10 |
22 |
24 |
A case of recoiling of everolimus-eluting stent at the ostium of the right coronary artery by out-stent plaque progression (Case Report) |
木村悠, 石川哲也, 中田耕太郎, 久保田健之, 小武海公明, 吉村道博 |
内科学講座循環器内科 |
63 |
3 |
71-76 |
2016-09-10 |
22 |
24 |
Sequential changes in patient enablement instrument during a smoking cessation program and its effect on smoking abstinence (Original) |
村山慎一, 杉山佳史, 松島雅人 |
千葉健愛会あおぞら診療所 |
67 |
1-4 |
19-28 |
2020-12-10 |
22 |
28 |
Predictive factors for the diagnosis of coronavirus disease 2019 (Original) |
保阪由美子, 堀野哲也, 保科斉生, 澤木賢司, 坂本洋平, 宮島真希子, 李広烈, 中拂一彦, 中澤靖, 小川和男, 天野克之, 村上秀友,
三村秀毅, 齋藤健, 井口保之, 吉田正樹 |
感染制御科 |
68 |
1 |
1-7 |
2021-03-10 |
21 |
28 |
A Case of Aortic Dissection with Bicuspid Aortopathy for Prosthetic Valve Dysfunction (Case Report) |
中村賢, 織井恒安, 阿部貴行, 灰田周史, 橋本和弘, 國原孝 |
埼玉県立循環器・呼吸器病センター心臓外科 |
68 |
1 |
15-18 |
2021-03-10 |
21 |
28 |
The Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio at the Start of Third-Line Chemotherapy is a Useful Prognostic Factor for Unresectable Recurrent Colorectal Cancer (Original) |
河原秀次郎, 小村伸朗, 秋葉直志 |
附属柏病院外科 |
68 |
2 |
27-32 |
2021-06-10 |
21 |
28 |
Triple Duct Sign is Potentially Important Finding in the Prevention of Major Bile Duct Injury During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (Original) |
安田淳吾, 柴浩明, 白井祥睦, 塩崎弘憲, 古川賢英, 後町武志, 池上徹 |
外科学講座 |
68 |
3 |
55-59 |
2021-09-10 |
21 |
28 |
The Role of Tenascin C During the Development of DSS Induced Colitis (Original) |
星野優, 西條広起, 辰巳徳史, 有廣誠二, 岡部正隆, 猿田雅之, 日下部守昭, 橋本尚詞 |
内科学講座消化器・肝臓内科 |
68 |
3 |
67-79 |
2021-09-10 |
21 |
33 |
Laparoscopic Rectopexy for Complete Rectal Prolapse (Original) |
柵山年和, 武田有弘, 大野直人, 藤崎康人 |
外科学講座 |
50 |
2 |
69-74 |
2003-06-10 |
20 |
33 |
Effect of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Intensive Occupational Therapy on Serum Levels of Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor in Patients after Stroke (Original) |
山田尚基, 安保雅博, 清水正人, 角田亘, 三谷菅雄, 佐伯秀宣, 近藤隆博, 西村純一, 野島尚美 |
リハビリテーション医学講座 |
60 |
4 |
47-54 |
2013-12-10 |
20 |
35 |
Hemodynamic and Cardiac Motion Analyses in an Experimental Model of Off-pump
Coronary Bypass Surgery: Effects of Stabilizer and Heart Poisoner (Original) |
石井信一, 長堀隆一, 鴛海元博, 奥山浩, 坂本吉正, 森田紀代造, 橋本和弘 |
心臓外科学講座 |
52 |
4 |
93-101 |
2005-12-10 |
19 |
35 |
Chronic Arthritis of the Knee due to Synovial Metastasis (Case Reports) |
劉啓正, 増井文昭, 齋藤滋, 丸毛啓史 |
整形外科学講座 |
57 |
4 |
141-147 |
2010-12-10 |
19 |
35 |
The Incidence of Metachronous Colorectal Cancer after Surgical Resection of Left and Right Sides Colon (Original) |
江藤誠一郎, 小村伸朗, 古橋広人, 一志公夫, 瀧島輝幸, 甲斐亘, 小寺啓太, 松本倫, 平林剛, 河原秀次郎 |
国立病院機構西埼玉中央病院外科 |
68 |
3 |
61-66 |
2021-09-10 |
19 |
38 |
Influenza Pandemics in Japan during the 20th Century (Originals) |
島田智恵, 浦島充佳 |
分子疫学研究所 |
57 |
3 |
89-99 |
2010-09-10 |
18 |
38 |
Evaluation of the Family-Rated Kinder Infant Development Scale (KIDS) for Disabled Children (Original) |
橋本圭司, 松井直子, 八鍬秀美, 宮村絋平 |
国立成育医療研究センターリハビリテーション科 |
59 |
1 |
5-10 |
2012-03-10 |
18 |
38 |
Surgical Treatment of Idiopathic Mesenteric Phlebosclerosis: A Case Report (Case Report) |
古西英央, 星野真人, 秋元俊昭, 鈴木英之, 松田実, 矢永勝彦 |
春日部中央総合病院外科外科 |
61 |
2 |
35-42 |
2014-06-10 |
18 |
41 |
Kanehiro Takaki and Sei-I-Kwai Medical School (Special article) |
松田誠, 大野典也 |
名誉教授 |
49 |
2 |
85-90 |
2002-06-10 |
17 |
41 |
Miriplatin-induced acute pancreatitis: a case report (Case Report) |
丸口塁, 古川賢英, 野沢陽介, 後町武志, 柴浩明, 矢永勝彦 |
外科学講座 |
67 |
1-4 |
43-46 |
2020-12-10 |
17 |
41 |
Risk factors of moderate-to-severe exacerbation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Original) |
沼田尊功, 荒屋潤, 松井勇磨, 奥田慶太郎, 渡部淳子, 高橋直子, 宮川英恵, 藤田雄, 竹越大輔, 内海裕文, 橋本典生, 伊藤三郎和久井大,
皆川俊介, 原弘道, 桑野和善 |
内科学講座呼吸器内科 |
68 |
4 |
101-111 |
2021-12-10 |
17 |
44 |
Chemical Peritonitis Induced by an Anti-adhesion Bioresorbable Membrane:
A Case Report and Review of the Literatures (Case Report) |
小林克敏, 渡辺通章, 牛込琢郎, 青木寛明, 志田敦夫, 矢永勝彦 |
外科学講座 |
53 |
4 |
171-175 |
2006-12-10 |
16 |
44 |
Psychological Risk Factor of Postoperative Delirium in Patients with Gastrointestinal Cancer (Original) |
落合結介, 小堀聡久, 忽滑谷和孝, 中山和彦 |
精神医学講座 |
63 |
2 |
37-43 |
2016-06-10 |
16 |
44 |
Afferent Loop Syndrome after Total Gastrectomy Using Roux-en-Y Reconstruction : A Report of Two Cases (Case Report) |
隈本智卓船水尚武岡本友好, 矢永勝彦 |
外科学講座 |
66 |
1-4 |
47-52 |
2019-12-10 |
16 |
44 |
Examining the effect of liquid-phase fraction in the dual test procedure with Simon’s reagent (Original) |
入井俊昭, 前橋恭子, 福井謙二, ?本紗里, 須翔志郎, 岩楯公晴 |
法医学講座 |
67 |
1-4 |
1-6 |
2020-12-10 |
16 |
44 |
Reevaluation of Oral Adjuvant Chemotherapy for T3 Lower Rectal Cancer: a Multicenter Collaborative Retrospective Cohort Study (Original) |
河原秀次郎, 小川匡市, 諏訪勝仁, 衛藤謙 |
附属柏病院外科 |
68 |
2 |
19-25 |
2021-06-10 |
16 |
49 |
Correlation between Serum Albumin and Myelosuppression in Patients with Esophageal Cancer Treated with Chemoradiation Therapy (Originals) |
毛利順一, 吉山友二, 菅家甫子, 松山賢治, 石橋由朗, 鈴木裕, 柏木秀幸, 小林雅夫, 兼平千裕, 松島雅人, 市場保, 荒川康弘, 井上大輔,
柵山年和, 小林直, 相羽惠介 |
薬物治療学研究室 |
55 |
1 |
7-14 |
2008-03-10 |
15 |
49 |
Computerized Assessment Tool for Healthy Elderly Persons as a Predictor of Cognitive Function (Original) |
橋本圭司, 五藤博義, 安保雅博 |
国立成育医療研究センターリハビリテーション科 |
57 |
1 |
1-4 |
2010-03-10 |
15 |
49 |
Rapid progression of a retroperitoneal malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (Case Report) |
瀧島輝幸, 恩田真二, 恒松雅, 五十嵐陽介, 谷合智彦, 安田淳吾, 奥井紀光, 古川賢英, 春木孝一郎, 池上徹 |
外科学講座肝胆膵外科 |
69 |
1 |
1-6 |
2022-03-10 |
15 |