室長 杉本 真也
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  1. Sugimoto S, Kinjo Y: Instantaneous Clearing of Biofilm (iCBiofilm): an optical approach to revisit bacterial and fungal biofilm imaging. Commun Biol. 6(1):38, Jan. 2023 (Corresponding author)
  2. Kunoh T, Yamamoto T, Prasad M, Ono E, Li X, Sugimoto S, Iida E, Obana N, Takeda M, Nomura N, Utada AS: Porous pellicle formation of a filamentous bacterium, Leptothrix. Appl Environ Microbiol. 88(23):e0134122, Dec. 2022
  3. Chiba A, Seki M, Suzuki Y, Kinjo Y, Mizunoe Y, Sugimoto S: Staphylococcus aureus utilizes environmental RNA as a building material in specific polysaccharide-dependent biofilms. npj Biofilms Microbiomes. 8(1):17, Apr. 2022 (Corresponding author)
  4. Kunoh T, Yamamoto T, Sugimoto S, Ono E, Nomura N, Utada AS:Leptothrix cholodnii response to nutrient limitation. Front Microbiol. 12:691563, Jun. 2021
  5. Sugimoto S, Yamanaka K, Niwa T, Terasawa Y, Kinjo Y, Mizunoe Y, Ogura T: Hierarchical model for the role of J-domain proteins in distinct cellular functions. J Mol Biol. 433(3):166750, Feb. 2021 (Corresponding author)
  6. Kunoh T, Morinaga K, Sugimoto S, Miyazaki S, Toyofuku M, Iwasaki K, Nomura N, Utada AS: Polyfunctional nanofibril appendages mediate attachment, filamentation, and filament adaptability in Leptothrix cholodnii.ACS Nano. 14(5):5288-97, May. 2020
  7. Yonemoto K, Chiba A, Sugimoto S, Sato C, Saito M, Kinjo Y, Marumo K, Mizunoe Y: Redundant and distinct roles of secreted protein Eap and cell wall-anchored protein SasG in biofilm formation and pathogenicity of Staphylococcus aureus. Infect Immun. 87(4):e00894-18, Apr. 2019 (Corresponding author) ※表紙掲載
  8. Arita-Morioka K, Yamanaka K, Mizunoe Y, Tanaka Y, Ogura T: Sugimoto S: Inhibitory effects of Myricetin derivatives on curli-dependent biofilm formation in Escherichia coli. Sci Rep. 8(1):8452, May. 2018 (Co-first, Corresponding author)
  9. Sugimoto S, Arita-Morioka K, Terao A, Yamanaka K, Ogura T, Mizunoe Y: Multitasking of Hsp70 chaperone in the biogenesis of bacterial functional amyloids. Commun Biol. 1:52, May. 2018 (Corresponding author) ※Editor’s Picksに選出
  10. Sugimoto S, Sato F, Miyakawa R, Chiba A, Onodera S, Hori S, Mizunoe Y: Broad impact of extracellular DNA on biofilm formation by clinically isolated Methicillin-resistant and -sensitive strains of Staphylococcus aureus. Sci Rep. 8(1):2254, Feb. 2018 (Corresponding author)
  11. Yoshii Y, Okuda K, Yamada S, Nagakura M, Sugimoto S, Nagano T, Okabe T, Kojima H, Iwamoto T, Kuwano K, Mizunoe Y: Norgestimate inhibits staphylococcal biofilm formation and resensitizes methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus to β-lactam antibiotics. npj Biofilms Microbiomes 3: 18, Nov. 2017
  12. Sato C, Kinoshita T, Memtily N, Sato M, Nishihara S, Yamazawa T, Sugimoto S: Correlative light-electron microscopy in liquids using an inverted SEM. Methods Cell Biol. 140: 187-213, May. 2017
  13. Sugimoto S, Okuda K, Miyakawa R, Sato M, Arita-Morioka K, Chiba A, Yamanaka K, Ogura T, Mizunoe Y, Sato C: Imaging of bacterial multicellular behaviour in biofilms in liquid by atmospheric scanning electron microscopy. Sci. Rep. 6: 25889, May. 2016 (Corresponding author)
  14. Sugimoto S, Arita-Morioka K, Mizunoe Y, Yamanaka K, Ogura T: Thioflavin T as a fluorescence probe for monitoring RNA metabolism at molecular and cellular levels. Nucleic Acids Res. 43(14): e92, Aug. 2015 (Corresponding author)
  15. Chiba A, Sugimoto S, Sato F, Hori S, Mizunoe Y: A refined technique for extraction of extracellular matrixes from bacterial biofilms and its applicability. Microb Biotechnol. 8(3):392-403, May. 2015 (Co-first, Corresponding author)
  16. Arita-Morioka K, Yamanaka K, Mizunoe Y, Ogura T, Sugimoto S: Novel strategy for biofilm inhibition by using small molecules targeting molecular chaperone DnaK. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 59(1): 633-641, Jan. 2015. (Co-first, Corresponding author)
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